Category Archives: Drinking

Beering with Da O’Bamas

Ireland is the home of Guinness Beer and President Obama lifted a pint of the brown sludge at a local pub in Moneygall. His wife sipped at her beer with relish. It was a moment of joy during a brief detour from his busy schedule of his European trip. Family, friends, and Guinness. A proper […]

Moonshine Quote Johnny Knoxville

You can tell it’s good if you light it and a blue flame comes up; that means it’s good moonshine and it won’t make you go blind. – Johnny Knoxville And it will make you do crazy-ass things.

THUNDER ROAD / Robert Mitchum

Assholes on Holiday surveyed thousands of European tourists to discover that the British holiday-maker is more devoted to drink than any other nationality. Almost two-thirds consume more alcohol away from home. Italians won the gold for smoking and the French championed care-free tanning habits and scored the most for traveling to foreign destination to receive plastic surgery. […]

In More Wine More Truth

Last night I was invited to a dinner in the East Village. AP, my landlord/friend was impressed by my energy. It was 8:30. My usual bedtime was a little past 11. This detour from my pillow was at the request of the greatest B-movie actor in the history of punk rock. I bid AP good-night, […]