Category Archives: Drinking

Drunk Not Dead / Sukhumvit

Sukhumvit or Route 3 stretches from Bangkok to Trat. This road serves as the main conduit south to the Cambodian border and its lanes cut through a series of coastal cities and town. In Pattaya Sukhumvit is more highway than road, although drivers speed over its asphalt with an abandonment of regard for life and […]

Drunk for Australia

An Australian man mourned a dead friend by drinking himself into a stupor. His friends dropped him at his house and he staggered several feet before collapsing on the lawn. A neighbor took a photo which ended up on out Google’s StreetView website as DRUNK GUY. “I’m not too happy about it.” The drunk Aussie […]


Several years ago my future ex-wife’s brother-in-law received a phone call from his brother. Bok and his son were in the hospital. They had had a motorsai accident. My future ex-wife hung up the phone. “Neither of them are dead?” I asked in Thai “No.” This was good news. Bok and his son Beer were […]

GOP Buzzkills

Mitt Romney does not drink alcohol or watch TV. His GOP opponent at least drank beer to show that he was human, instead of an Alien from another planet. Most Republicans inspired by the Holy Bible favor tee-totalers, even though their Messiah transformed water into wine at the Wedding Feast of Cana. Many Bible Belt […]

THE FIRST TEN MILES by Peter Nolan Smith 

Early on a warm May morning my friend AK, a blonde BU co-ed, and I traveled by the trolley to Jamaica Plains, where we were picking up a 1973 Ford Torino station wagon to transport cross-country. Upon our arrival at the address, the middle-aged owner descended the tenement’s steps to the sidewalk. He tapped at […]