Category Archives: Drinking

Annals of Drinking / A Few Too Many

My landlord subscribes to the New Yorker. I read the magazine from time to time. Never all of it, but I cherrypick the articles and several years ago I was drawn to Joan Accocela’s THE ANNALS OF DRINKING / A Few Too Many, which was probably the best-written piece to be published in that esteemed […]


These days most people in America have no money and the middle-class survive from paycheck to paycheck, dreaming of their lost wealth. Even the lower upper class are struggling to make ends meet and New York’s Diamond District has been feeling the pinch, so that my bosses Richie Boy and his father Manny couldn’t offer […]


Supposedly after his 1989 defeat in the NYC mayoralty race by David Dinkins, Rudy Guiliani supposedly asked his wife in tears, “Do people really not like me?” The answer was yes, however four years later the ex-federal prosecutor conducted a campaign promising to clean up New York by having the police wage war against petty […]

The Beauty of Lao Khao

Many western tourists to Thailand have been exposed to Mekhong Whiskey. The inexpensive golden rumlike liquor capably produces historic hang-overs for farangs and Thais. The blame for this morning-after hell lays not the 35% alcohol content, but the combination of distilled from 95% sugar cane/molasses and 5% rice, especially when mixed with Coke for a […]

Tough Talking For Drunks

THINGS THAT ARE HARD TO PRONOUNCE WHEN YOU’RE DRUNK: Indubitably; Innovative; Preliminary; Proliferation; Cinnamon THINGS THAT ARE VERY DIFFICULT TO SAY WHEN YOU’RE DRUNK: Specificity; British Constitution; Passive-aggressive disorder; Loquacious; Transubstantiate