Category Archives: Drinking

2015 Amok

Last New Year’s Eve I stayed off the streets of New York. Many people call the celebration ‘amateurs’ night and Joel Goodman’s photograph of Manchester’s last night of 2015 holiday showed the veracity of that comment in spades. Drunks everywhere. The coppers battling drunks. Drunks strewn across the street. Ah, 2016 NYE I barely knew […]

10 Cent Beer Night

Nothing says fun like 10 Cent Beer Night at Cleveland Stadium. 35 years ago the Indians were drawing 8000 a game. The executives came up with the promo of 10 cent Strohs Beer. June 4, 1974 as much beer as you can drink. The late MEET THE PRESS commentator Tim Russert attended the game. “I […]

THE CALL OF WILD by Peter Nolan Smith

My life was once ruled by the night. I haunted concerts, bars, clubs, and parties from dusk to dawn from the 60s into the 90s. My retirement occurred around the turn of the century and the birth of my children completed the process, for I feared the Chris Rock’s curse of being the oldest man […]

Spoof on Soi 6

Yesterday I was drinking with my good mate Fabo at the Buffalo Bar. It was empty of farangs. Most Europeans had stayed home to watch Euro Cup 2012 at home. The girls at the bar wore long faces. Few had had a customer in weeks. They huddled around Fabo and me, as if we were […]

Panic Button in Flight

9/11 changed how the world travels by air. Security checks, x-ray scrutiny, examination of shoes, plastic dinner utensils, and no water bottles. These measures have prevented any repetition of 19 men seizing four airliners on the same day at the same time and piloting them into buildings. America is safe, however our citizens still experienced […]