Category Archives: Drinking

Snow in Spring NYC 2010

JoJo, the security guard at the diamond exchange, was a betting man. He gambled the left-overs from his monthly NYPD pension on baseball, basketball, and football. His losses outweighed his wins. JoJo also wagered on odd parlays and on March 1st in 2010 I said that there wouldn’t be another snowstorm. Two days ago the […]


My first trip to Bali was in 1990. Kuta Beach was the island’s most popular tourist destination for sea, sun, and fun. Being a pseudo-intellectual I opted for Ubud, an idyllic village of Legong dancers, ornate temples, and non-disco evenings. I rented a small house off the Monkey Forest Road surrounded by verdant rice paddies. […]

The Lent Of No Beer 2015

Lent is the six-week period of Catholic fasting from Ash Wednesday to Easter, allowing the faithful the chance to atone for the previous year’s sins by mirroring the span of time the Messiah spend in the desert before He succumbed to the temptations not of Satan, but his own mortal flesh. While I’m a full-blown […]

No More Beer For Lent 2015

I’m an old atheist. Non-Belief runs in my family as strongly as the acceptance of the Divine. I was raised a Catholic. The Old Religion. My rejection of faith at the age of eight failed to deter my buying into the celebrations of the saints throughout the Church calendar; St. Brigid’s Day, St. Padraic’s Day, […]

New Year’s Traffic Death Festival 2019

From 2019 The Thai Festival for the end of 2018 has come to an end. The police are are overwhelmed by the traffic, as milliions of Thais travel to the distant provinces to see their families. The holiday death toll reached over 400 with countless thousands injured in car and motorcycle accidents. Driving drunk is […]