Category Archives: Diamonds

Green Lantern Gems / Bet on Crazy by Peter Nolan Smith

Earth has been traveling through the universe for billions of years. During these eternal eons the planet has been subjected to radiation from a myriad of sources, although none greater than the Earth itself and this intense contact with radioactivity is what turns diamonds into the second rarest of colors “green’. The process actually alters […]

SCHNORER /Bet On Crazy by Peter Nolan Smith

After I made a sandwich at my desk, Richie Boy grabbed a slice of salami. Our sharing more than food throughout our twenty-year friendship didn’t deter my protests against his poaching. “I see you have no shame in being a schnorrer!” “Only cause I learn from the best.” Richie Boy popped the peppery slice in […]

LOST AND FOUND / Bet on Crazy by Peter Nolan Smith

Our store ships diamonds mostly with Fed-Ex. More expensive items go Brinks and overseas transaction are transported by Ferrari. Each company delivers countless millions of packages every day without mishap. No thefts or lost packages, although we always pray for a slip-up since shipments are insured for their exact value. When I first started working […]

Little White Lies from BET ON CRAZY

Every start of the holiday Selling Season Manny, my boss on 47th Street, told the diamond sales staff, “Most people lie 17 times a day. In order for you to make sales. Lots of sales. I expect you to get your lies into triple figures. He who lies best, makes the sale.” People lie and […]

The Fears of Fear

The security cop Joe at the diamond exchange is on a liquid diet. A couple of Buds for Breakfast. A few for lunch and then another two for his afternoon break. JOe’s an ex-cop, so he knows his limits. His words get slurred, but he is always ever-vigilant against a theft. Today a gypsy couple […]