Category Archives: Crime

WHEN FAT MEN FLY by Peter Nolan Smith Chapter 1

White Trash Fairy Tale

Traditionally there are only three ways to get rich; birth, marriage, or theft. Anne Nichole Smith, Texas sex bomb, stepped off the runway of a strip club into popular culture by wedding an admiring oil tycoon. Their sixty-three year age difference evoked cries of gold-digger from the billionaire’s family. That accusation might have been true, […]

Crime and Punishment in Pattaya

Several years ago a 61 year-old farang stabbed his girlfriend three times. She was in her twenties. The hospital staff declared the unfortunate lover DOA at the hospital. The idiot in a fit of remorse slashed himself with the murder weapon. This sad story occurs regularly in Pattaya but also everywhere else in the world. Hollywood […]

Big Pharma Bust

Opium has been a blessing and bane for people suffering from pain for over 5000 years. According to M J Brownstein’s “A Brief History of Opiates the Sumerians called the plant hul gil or the “joy plant, although the Egyptian priests reserved its use for the nobility and religious classes. After the collapse of the […]

Near-Lethal Farts

Passing gas has been a great source of humor since Adam’s first fart aka the undivine wind. Throughout history comedians have eked jokes from this human frailty. My best i.e. worst fart was at the Ritz in New York City. Public Image was on stage. I had eaten a bad oyster and my intestines gurgled […]