Category Archives: Crime

Touchee Touchee

The TSA has gone crazy The other day they stripped searched a young boy, as if they were pederast priest fondling an altar boy. I passed through their grips the other day on my way to Bangkok without any harassment, but you never know when it could be your turn for the ‘full frisk’ To […]

Tell Em Jesse

“It’s a good thing I’m not president because I would prosecute every person that was involved in that torture. I would prosecute the people that did it. I would prosecute the people that ordered it. Because torture is against the law. … Waterboarding is drowning. It gives you the complete sensation that you are drowning. […]

24 Songs

In 1956 The Teenagers scored a big hit with WHY DO FOOLS FALL IN LOVE thanks to Frankie Lymon’s high tenor. The producer from Gee Records lifted the publishing credit from the three young men and the two surviving Teenagers were awarded ownership in 1992, however four years later the Court of Appeals overruled the […]

Excerpt from WHEN FAT MEN FLY

My failures of German 101 and Multivariable Algebra in 1971 destroyed my chances of graduating ‘magna cum laude’. I worked nights at a discount chain next to the Quincy Shipyard. My best friend from store lived up the street. Wayne’s second-story bedroom accommodated a bed, table, two chairs, a sofa, black-and-white TV, and a stereo. […]

Steal and Burn This Book

In 1970 Yippie spokesperson Abbie Hoffman wrote STEAL THIS BOOK, a guide to growing week, communal living, food theft, passing bad checks and a whole slew of revolutionary repossession techniques as well as how to confront the police armed and unarmed. The book hit the bestseller charts in 1971. I stole the guide from a […]