Category Archives: Crime

Crime of Memory

Eight And Out Of Iraq

On September 11, 2001 the United States was assaulted by three hijacked commercial airliners. A fourth jet crashed into a Pennsylvania field. 9/11 shocked the nation and its populace sought revenge. The President, CIA, and FBI laid the blame on supporters of Osama Bin Ladin. The Al-Quada leader was living in Afghanistan and the Pentagon […]

LOUIE LOUIE by Richard Berry

And they stole all his money. You know who ‘they’ are.

Do Not Pass Go

There is an old European adage; kill one person, go to jail, kill forty people and you get sent to a mental hospital. Today a Norwegian court declared that the mass murderer of 77 people in July of this year was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia; i.e. that he is insane. His probably sentence after trail […]

To Grope Or Not Grope

Somehow when men from the West come to Pattaya they lose whatever manners their parents had beaten into their thick skulls during their dullard childhood. Bad behavior becomes almost a prerequisite for a good time. Drunkenness, rowdyism, and macho studity are usually forgiven by our Thai hosts and hostesses, but there is always a boundary […]