Category Archives: Crime

Chappaquiddick Incident

‘Chappaquiddick’ conjures up a nasty car accident to the American psyche older than fifty. The story of a drunken senator abandoning his lover to a watery death is unknown to Twitterites agog at Tom Cruise breaking up with his wife. The senator in question was Edward Kennedy, the heir to Camelot. The victim was Mary […]

Headlines of Pattaya

City officials are constantly announcing clean-ups of Pattaya. Drug busts, gambling raids, crackdowns on bars, and arrests of criminal farangs have garnered the local headlines for years without progress, mostly the small timers are inspired by the truly majestic demeanor of the corrupt elite lining their pockets with kickbacks, bribes, and illegal take-overs. Decent Thais […]

MIstaken Identity

Mexico’s war on drugs has claimed over 55,000 lives in the past six years of President Calderon’s rule. The police and army have been corrupted by traffickers shipping cocaine and marijuana to the USA. Last week officials claimed to have arrested the son of a notorious drug lord. The DEA were quick to congratulate the […]

Yellow Bus Bullies

School’s out for summer, but the promise of a long vacation didn’t prevent several middle-school boys for berating an elderly bus monitor with the intent to hurt her to the core. The video was seen by millions and kind-heated people donated almost a quarter of a million dollars to sent 68 year-old Karen Klein on […]

The Price of Time

For years I have heard people say, “If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime.” This stupid saying only pertains to poor people and sloppy criminals, since they can’t afford a good lawyer to get them off with a slap on the wrist or delay the proceedings until the court settles for […]