Category Archives: Crime

And Then The Fight Started

When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her someplace expensive… so, I took her to a gas station. Then the fight started. My wife and I were sitting at a table at my high school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat […]

Camera Hog From St. Landry’s Parish LA

Cops like playing tough and cop whores love fucking tough cops. White men fantasize about tough cops protect them from the chaos of anarchy and few cops act tougher than Louisiana St. Landry’s Lt. Clay Higgins. His videos on enforcing the law in Cajun country have gone viral on Youtube and even TV’s Jimmie Fallon […]

LOOKING A LOT ALIKE by Peter Nolan Smith

Three months ago I started a new job selling jewelry on the Upper East Side. I came highly recommended by diamond dealers on 47th Street. My boss Jeri trusted me with the store and her million-dollar merchandise. One September morning I spent an hour setting up the jewelry. Jeri liked the way I displayed her […]

Not What It Seems

Last Thanksgiving a West Chester University student vanished after a night drinking with friends. This Saturday his body was found in the Schuylkill River, less than half a mile downstream from where he was last seen. The police declared the cause of death as drowning by misadventure, however there is more to this story than […]

Help Anyone

I am writing to you with Tears, My family and I came down here to Manila, Philippines for Holiday, Unfortunately we were mugged at the park, All money, credit card and Phones were stolen away from us, luckily for us we still have our passports saved with us. We have been to the consulate but […]