Category Archives: computer

Everyday Spam

From 2009 Everyday spam promoting the use of various male-oriented products floods my email inbox. Increase your sperm load. Grow 3-4 inches of penis instantly. Viagra for renewed sexual vitality. Having lived in Pattaya throughout the 90s and 00s I understand their targeting a man in his 50s surrounded by go-go bars, bars, and promenades […]

Poor Mickey

Milleniums and Pokemon fans of all ages are going crazy about the new Pokemon GO game. The addictive throw-back to the 00s has finger-twitchers fluttering their thumbs over cellphones like bees over the flowers of Elysium. My flip-phone doesn’t allow access. But I still like Mickey Mouse. He has no games. No movies. Only the […]


During the late 1960s and early 1970s I played pinball at the arcades on Boston’s Washington Street. My skills flourished and I competed against older wizards on machines such as Centrigrade 37 and Strikes and Spares. We loved the lights and bells accompanying our struggle to prevent the steel ball from ever dropping into the […]


This past month I had been trying to sell a 1.25 diamond. Phoning Gene was impossible and he didn’t return texts, however the young tech lawyer was very prompt with responses to emails. “No one speaks on the phone anymore.” I wrote him and Gene responded, “Super old people use payphones/landlines, old people use Cell […]

Eyes In The Sky

The FAA announced plans to allow Alaska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Texas and Virginia to test drones for commercial use starting in 2015. The BBC reported that the head of the FAA, Michael Huerta, said safety would be the priority as it considers approval for unleashing the unmanned aircraft into US skies to provide […]