Category Archives: class warfare


Phillip Brook came from Tasmania. We met in Paris during the 1980s. He was a journalist and hardcore junkie also a little queer, not that I minded, because queers were much more fun than straights in Boston, New York, or the City of Lights. We worked together for several magazines and journals. He was a […]

May Day -2014

May Day 2014 I was sitting at my desk in the Fort Greene observatory. I knew today was an important labor holiday, but I wish that I was working and traveled up to Manhattan’s Diamond District so yesterday to my old boss from the Diamond District. “I wish I could give you a job, but […]

KICK OUT THE JAMS by Peter Nolan Smith

In the fall of 1969 my all-boys parochial school entered a chocolate-selling competition with the other Catholic educational institutions in Boston. The top prize for most sales was a concert by a band from Elektra Records. Rumors abounded that the band on offer was The Doors. Everyone wished it was true, because in 1967 the […]

On The Precipice

On the precipice. We may be doomed by climate change. Surrender. Against the inevitable. Never. Anything written in stone The wind will be erased with time. Cut your energy costs Shut off the lights Unplug the voodoo transformers. Curtail your driving to Costco. The money you save is money stolen from the energy companies.

Melee de Paris et Union Square

Last week there was a melee in Union Square When Social media influencer Kai Cenat told his followers that there would be a free giveaway. Thousands of people gathered to be part of the scene. Cenat showed late. Nothing was given away. The crowd got out of control and the steroided NYPD freaked out and […]