Category Archives: cars

Zroom Ferrari Zroom – 2011

My mother deteriorated rapidly in her bed at MGH. She was in the final stages of her battle with cancer. It was not a pretty fight, but her beauty remained intact to the end. On Christmas Eve my mother held my hand and said, “I’m so happy I made Christmas.” “Me too.” I thought about […]


Published on: Aug 14, 2014 A Chicago-based writer commented on my entry entitled JEW CANOE. Cancer Bitch said… Thanks a lot for contributing to the anti-Semitic stereotype of the cheap Jew. I responded, “No worries, glad to be of service, but you’re sloshing the paint in the wrong direction. Some of my best friends are […]

A Jew Canoe

In the 50s crackers from the South christened a Cadillac with New York plates passing through Dixie as the ‘Jew Canoe’. That decade and the 1960s marked the zenith of the glory for Detroit cars. Americans abandoned their boats during the 1973 Oil Embargo for more fuel-efficient foreign cars and the Mercedes-Benz sedans surfaced as […]

NO SWIMMING ALLOWED by Peter Nolan Smith

The weather forecast predicted a sultry summer day for September 7, 2001. My friend Alia had transported a Porsche Boxer from the UK and her high-octane convertible awaited clearance at the Newark Customs. The British diplomat asked me to accompany her to the Jersey docks and I agreed on the stipulation that we drove the […]

The SS Showboat Mayflower Nantasket

From 2012 A fleet of side wheel steamers plied the waters of Boston harbor in the early part of the 20th Century. The flotilla was reduced to one by a fire in 1919. The Mayflower remained in service until 1948. After its decommission its new owner had the white-hulled ship hauled close to shore several […]