Category Archives: California

Napa Redux

In the summer 1971 my friend Peter and I hitchhiked across the Golden Gate Park up into Napa. We stopped at a winery. A keg of red was shaded by an oak tree. Tin cups lay on a battered wooden table.The midday sun was strong. Peter and I drank our fill and some more before […]

Born Into This Charles Bukowski

Born like this Into this As the chalk faces smile As Mrs. Death laughs As the elevators break As political landscapes dissolve As the supermarket bag boy holds a college degree As the oily fish spit out their oily prey As the sun is masked We are Born like this Into this Into these carefully […]

THE FOG November 2012

Shannon Greer captured the morning fog lingering off the Southern California coast. There are no ghost ships within the fog, only within our minds thanks to John Carpenter’s movie THE FOG. It did not star Kurt Russell, but Jamie Lee Curtis had a role. I think she survived to the end.


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Whiskey A Go Go

I saw this poster somewhere and thought, “How cool.” Th Whisky à Go-Go on the Sunset Strip was made famous by the mini-skirted DJ Rhonda Lane, who danced in a cage during Johnny Rivers’s set, thus giving birth to the go go girl. The Miracles scored a 1966 hit with GOING TO A GO GO […]