Category Archives: boston

SOUTHBOUND by Peter Nolan Smith

From 2013 Last week Vladmar announced that he was heading to Florida. The Pittsburgh native never been there before. 2013 had been a hard winter. “I can’t believe that I’m fifty years old and have never to the Holy Land.” The Sunshine State was special, but even more so back in the last century. “My […]

Say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud – 2010

Say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud. James Brown sang those words to the entire nation. Even the KKK heard, but back in the 1960s not everyone was listening to the singer of PLEASE PLEASE ME, since black music was broadcasted on the far ends of the AM radio spectrum. In Boston at night […]


. The visit to my family in the Blue Hills had been comforting, but I hadn’t said a single word about Alice’s possible pregnancy. Not to my parents or sisters or brothers. At the dinner table I saw how proud my father was of his wife and family and I asked, if I would feel […]

Journal Entry December 26, 1977

From 2020 Christmas dinner at my parents in Milton has been very pleasant, although my youngest brother Michael, was dying to tell the family that he was gay. I whispered at the dining table, “Don’t do it now. Only Mom doesn’t know you’re gay.” “Dad does?” “He never said so much, but you’re sort of […]

Pumpkin Stand Bowling 1962

Route 28 From Chatham On Cape Cod To Manchester New Hampshire. The four-laner contracted to two Through the Blue Hills South of Boston___ Wider again after the lights After Chicktawbut Road Passing my neighborhood A fruit stand sold pumpkins On Halloween___ That evening Hundreds lay unprotected No lights Our gang of boys and girls Sleathily […]