Category Archives: Books

Why Read At All – Florida Ban On Books – 2024

On September 11, 2024 Florida fired the New College of Florida’s librarian after the release of photos of the dumpster of books. The state liberal art college had been taken over the previous year by allies of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis dedicated to the Nazi-styled cleansing of books offensive to Bible Thumpers. In early August […]

Quote of the Day – Jack Kerouac / ON THE ROAD

Written May 8, 2011 “One of the biggest troubles of hitchhiking is having to talk to innumerable people, make them feel that they didn’t make a mistake picking you up.” Jack Kerouac / ON THE ROAD Truman Capote commented about the writing style of ON THE ROAD, saying it wasn’t writing so much as typing. […]

THE ITCH by Steven Hammer

The first porno book to touch my hands was THE ITCH by Steven Hammer. I must have read the Olympia Press paperback 3000 times between the 1965 and 1969. The author’s blue tales of trisexual liasions between aristocrats warped my tender libido and I rejected virginity as a value. Here’s a passage from that great […]

A HERO OF OUR TIME by Mikhail Lermontov

Written 2016 Mikhail Lermontov wrote A HERO OF OUR TIME in 1839. The short novel romanticized the life on the frontier of the Caucasian kingdoms. Lermontov was a troubled soul and spent two exiles with the Army of the Don fighting the rebel mountaineers. Lermontov painted and drew scenes from his service. A world lost […]


In 2002 Temple University professor Molefi Kete Asante amassed list for his biographical dictionary 100 GREATEST AFRICAN AMERICANS. The illustrious names were listed alphabetically with # 1 being Hank Aaron and Malcolm X closed out the hundred. I recognized forty-one of them. Historical giants and thank to Wikipedia I read how the remaining fifty-nine African […]