Category Archives: Beauty

Russian Supermodel Copycats Pattaya Farangs

Pattaya probably leads the world for most suicides by tourists. Every week the city’s newspapers report another fatal plunge from a condo balcony. No one ever calls for the landlords to place a sticker on the railing saying, “Falls from this height could be dangerous.” because the suicides are usually considered to be losers, however […]

You Bet I Would # 64

If only to hold hands with Charlotte Rampling, I would love to have a time machine.

Inspiring Muse

The winter sun dropped to the west of Greenpoint. The tenement bricks glowed red under a cold spring sky. I climbed the stairs to a small studio showing small paintings of Walter Robinson. I nodded to Lisa and the artist. They seemed very much in love. Really. Walter’s painting were not self-portraits, but studies of […]

Rambling Lookalike

I had a British girlfriend who looked like Charlotte. We did our own version of NIGHT PORTER in my East Village. In the dark bedroom the scene also rang true. Sort of. But Charlotte was Charlotte and Miranda was Miranda, which should have been good enough for me. Nothing an old fool to see the […]

Sally Fields – Gidget – You Bet I Would

And she was also THE FLYING NUN. And No I wouldn’t.