Category Archives: america

The Freedom Of The Knee

During the National Anthem of a 2016 pre-season NFL game, 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt on the sidelines. He later stated to the Press, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football […]

Kiss My Black Ass

Election night 2008 had people celebrating in the streets. The desire for change had swept the GOP from the White House and Congress. The effects of Obama’s victory over the Old White Guy reached into the Deep South and this week the town of Alligator, Alabama ousted its white mayor in favor of a black […]

Slavery 101

Crackers are called ‘Crackers’ for the crack of the whip. “Not all southerners were slave owners.” Maybe not, but slavery was the GM of the South. The greatest source of labor in Dixie and southerners rented slaves at planting and harvest time, treating the Africans worse than rented mules. Men and women were chained hand […]

Free the Weed – Serge Gainsbourg

French chanteur Serge Gainsbourg appeared in the 1969 film CANNABIS with his English muse, Jane Birkin. In 1973 America responded to this Gallic challenge by adopting the Rockefeller drug laws, which set the penalty for possession of more than 2 ounces of heroin, morphine, opium, cocaine, or cannabis on the same level as 2nd degree […]

War Criminal # 1

Written Sep 28, 2016 When I first visited Cambodia in 1998, I arrived at Phnom Penh airport on a comfortable Bangkok Air flight from Bangkok. The previous year the Khmer Rouge had ceased their guerilla war against the government forces and the country was deemed safe for tourism. After landing the plane rolled across the […]