Category Archives: america

Deja Vu From Holyoke

Several years ago I visited Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts for the first time in decades. My sister, her husband, and daughter slowly inspected each and every painting, while I sought out Northeast classics such as Fitz Hugh Lane’s OWL’S HEAD, Winslow Homer’s THE FOG, and Childe Hassam’s BOSTON COMMONS AT SUNSET. I have admired […]

The Stars Beyond Our Touch

The stars have obsessed Man throughout our existence on the planet. We have stared at the distant pinpoints of light and asked if anyone was out there. Our ancient ancestors thought the cosmos was the home of the gods, Christians prayed upward to heaven, and modern scientists have mapped the universe with telescopes. Our early […]

We Miss You Bobby

In the summer of 1966 I was standing with my father at the Lower Mills station outside of Boston. We were headed to work. A Mattapan-bound trolley stopped to let off a crowd. My father and I were mystified by the hubbub, until the trolley pulled away from the platform and we spotted Robert F. […]

118 In Kansas

Q: How do you make holy water? A: Boil the hell out of it! Q: How hot is it in Kansas? A: So hot every fat guy sweating smells like Bacon! Q: How hot is a Kansas summer? A: So hot that I saw a fire hydrant chasing a pack of dogs! Q. How do […]

Click My Heels

After her wondrous adventures over the rainbow in the Kingdom of Oz, Dorothy Gale clicked both heels of the ruby slippers to return to Kansas and she was quick to tell her family and friends, “There’s no place like home.” Kansas despite the tornados has always been considered the heartland of America and the prairie […]