Category Archives: america

RETURN TO NORMAL by Peter Nolan Smith

Two weeks after the collapse of the Trade Towers the westerly wind shifted and a southern breeze spread the funereal smoke across Lower Manhattan. The poisonous fumes smelled of a blazing cannibal BBQ. Later that afternoon I caught a train north to Boston. My sister put me up in her basement. I watched the Red […]

134 In The Shade

134 F on July 10, 191 at Greenland Ranch, California. Elevation -178 Read Death Valley. I was there in 1995. James Steele gets around.

Handwriting History

Historians attributed authorship of the Declaration of Independence to Thomas Jefferson, despite the Second Continental Congress appointing Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston to aid in the writing of this document. Jefferson wrote the first draft from June 11 to June 28, after which John Adams and Benjamin Franklin revised the text. […]

Shots In Anger

At 4:30am on Friday, April 12, 1861 Brigadier General Beauregard ordered the secessionist troops manning the artillery batteries of Charleston, South Carolina to open fire on Fort Sumter housing 127 federal troops of which 13 were musicians. Two hours lapse before the Yankee commander allowed Captain Abner Doubleday, the inventor of baseball, to return a […]

Free The Weed

The war on drugs has been lost by the governments of the world. Reefer dealers make house calls in New York City and I’ve done cocaine in Thailand. Both act are criminal under the present laws, however the time has come to legalize drugs. Not decriminalize. Legalize as suggested in Ben Elton’s HIGH SOCIETY a […]