Category Archives: Africa

Rongyai Gate 2019 – Kili Initiative

The next morning the snow gleamed atop Kilimanjaro. The Kili Intiative 2019 team packed non-essentials into bags for storage at the Marangu Hotel. My Kilimanjaro equipment lay on the bed. Ma’we ruthlessly eliminated my journal, SNOW OF KILIMANJARO, and any excess. “The less you carry the better for you and your porter.” He checked off […]

A Last Beer

Cast A Vote for Hope Wambui Ochieng

Please cast a vote for the young poetess Hope Wambui Ochieng from Kibera in the Little Ms Kenya Contest 2020 by going to this URL Asante

Back From Africa 2020

Once more Tim Challen, director of the Kili Initiative, invited me to participate in the 2020 Kilimanjaro Climb with youths from Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam. I left New York mid-February for a 13 hour flight to Africa and a short connecting leg to Mochi Aeroport in Tanzania followed by a two-hour taxi ride to […]

Heading to Inkisanjane 2020 Kili Initiative

The 2020 Kili Intiative team has departed from the Kibo Lodge in Loitokitok for the Maasai Plains under the guidance of JM, Ma’we, and Fast Steve. The road down to the highway is so familiar from last year with Mount Kilimanjaro looming behind the group of Tanzanian and Kenya young adults. The valley stretches for […]