Category Archives: Africa

Still Good To Be The King

The 1961 movie ZULU opens up with a pagan fertility dance in which naked girls dance before Zulu warriors. I saw the movie five times for that scene alone. I was 12. This tribal tradition flourishes to this day in Swaziland, where tens of thousands of bare-breasted virgins shake their booty in the annual Reed […]

Straight Lines

No country in Europe has a straight-line border. South and Central America are devoid of such national boundaries. The USA once was the only nation with a straight-line border, however after World War I the French and British divided up territory of the defeated Ottoman Empire with a ruler and pencil. The Arab tribes of […]

No Pizza Ovens for the Poor

Any traveler over the mountains in Asia or South America will be greeted by the hacking cough of impoverished villagers. The chorus of hacks could easily be mistaken for a plague of tuberculosis, except the underlying cause is smoke inhalation from crude household stoves. Secretary of State Clinton has proposed funding $50 million to combat […]


We all know those cute little computer symbols called “emoticons,” 🙂 means a smile 🙁 is a frown. Well, how about some “ASSICONS?” (_!_) a regular ass (__!__) a fat ass (!) a tight ass (_*_) a sore ass {_!_} a swishy ass (_o_) an ass that’s been around (_x_) kiss my ass (_X_) leave […]

Mandingo Lives in South Carolina

Two weeks ago Alvin Greene was a black man from nowhere. South Carolina Democrats voted this previously unknown native son to contest the GOP for the US Senate seat. His opponent in the race offered his congratulations. It wasn’t until the day after that party officials asked how an unemployed man could garner 59% of […]