Category Archives: Activities

SKIN COLD AS ICE by Peter Nolan Smith

When Lou Reed had died seven years ago, a friend had called to ask, if I had known the singer. I had said, “No.” El-Roy was a pussy hound and asked if I thought Nico was a good fuck. “I don’t know,” I rhad eplied and hung up thinking one thing. The Velvet Underground’s singer […]

KILI INITIATIVE 2019 # 4 – Loitokitok

Glatt Port-A-Sans

According the wikipedia the first toilets and sewers were invented in the third millennium BC in Mohenjo-Daro. The Indus Valley Civilization also offered its citizens water-cleaning toilets with drains covered with burnt clay bricks by which the flowing water removed the human waste. Archaeologists recently discovered ancient toilets in Palestine. The same principle as in […]

Mercedes E Class For The 50 Million

The Mercedes-Benz ad for the E Class offers a depopulated vision of future. There is no traffic. There are no people on the streets. Robots drive the E Class. The new slavery without the masses. And you never have to whip a robot to obey an order from the masters. This is your tomorrow. World […]

Hitchhiker Chicks

Hippie chicks hitchhiking are cool. Ax murderers are uncool.