Category Archives: Activities

Steve Strange, A Friend To Strangers.

In 1982 I took time off from working the door of the Bains-Douches to visit friends in London. They ravved about the Camden Palace and and the New Romantic scene. We were granted entry, but once inside I realized that at 30 I was the oldest person in the club. Leigh Bowery was on stage. […]


September 2020 was a horrible month. Forest fires torched California and Oregon. Trump gathered his devotees to maskless rallies and claimed Covid-19 was nothing to worry about as long as you rejected science in favor of the absolute beleif in the Almighty. Everyday our troops fought in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and scores of nations across […]

The Search for Meaninglessness

I miss you all very much and almost everyone else in the world. Today I physically spoke with three people. The most important was my liquor store owner, Mr. Lee, but not to worry since most of my solitary existence has been devoted to the study of meaninglessness. In vino veritas – Pliny the Elder […]

Boy Scout Shota

In the summer of 1962 my brother and I set out with a large contingent of fellow Boy Scouts for a Sixty-Mile hike in emulation of JFK’s call for a physical resurgence of youthful health. We departed from Adams Pond Camp south of Ossipee, NH and tramped through burnt forests and passed fields filled with […]

Leaving Simba Hut

Morning came early at Simba Hut at 2771 meters above sea level. I had had a bad night, despite my tent having been erected on flat ground without any rocks or stones to disturb with my sleep. My guts had been in full rebellion, thanks to the goat innards soup from the Kibo Lodge BBQ. […]