Category Archives: 70s

Journal Entry – January 1, 1978

Death to 1977 Onto a year of 78 RPM. It’s snowing and I’m watching the Broncos beat the Raiders. 20-17. Last night at 27th Street was weird. I hit on Alta. We made up and dry-humped in a dark corner. THe stripper begged off fucking. I accepted her no, got drunk, puked outside, and sobered […]

NEW YEAR’S EVE ALL RIGHT by Peter Nolan Smith

In the Spring of 1969 my teenage sweetheart’s mother was dating a Chilean pianist. One Friday evening the two adults left the brunette cheerleader in charge of the house and after she put her younger brother to bed, I came over for a study session. An hour at the books was our passport to a […]


Dallas trumphed over Atlanta and the Steelers bettered the Brocnos to set up the two teams playing in SuperBowl XIII, as the NFL uses Roman numeral to classy up the most profitable Battle of Brawn of 1979. Alice will return to New York after a long holiday in West Virginia. She telephoned last night with […]

Journal Entry December 29, 1977

1977 is almost finished. I was sitting with Georg at One-Fifth. His teen queen had just walked out on him. He raised his glass and said, “Here’s to 1978.” We clinked glasses and he added, “We haven’t fucked up a single of day of 1978.” “Not yet, and it won’t take long.” After finishing our […]


This evening I arrived at Hurrah and my friends and fiends from the security staff greeted me back to work; Anthony, the junkie, Grant Stitt, Jim Fouratt, Ideles and a score of acquaintances. Everyone was in the holiday mood. Less so me. Alice was still in West Virginia. Not everyone was my friend and an […]