Category Archives: 60s

BLACK BEAUTY / Arthur Lee’s lost LP from 1973

The name Arthur Lee rebounded back to life this week with High Moon Records’ announcement that his lost album Black Beauty will emerge from bootleg glory as a new release this summer. Love will once more be alive and Arthur Lee risen from the grave. The founder of Love started the band in 1965. Hollywood […]


THE DREAM / Orpheus

LOVE BUZZ BY Shocking Blue

MTV and VH1 dismissed many 60s bands as one-hit wonders without ever really homaging these under-supported groups for having accomplished the nearly impossible task of breaking through the playlist of the radio stations to reach the Top 10 and few DJs would have given the Dutch band Shocking Blue a chance to reach # 1 […]

PIERRE HENRY – Psyché Rock

Super groovy Frenchie psychedelia and let’s not forget the best 27 minutes of music to ever come out of France Serge Gainsbourg’s THE BALLAD OF MELODY NELSEN Serge is accompanied on this lush lyric album by his British muse of youth, Jane Birken, as backing vocals along with Alan Parker on guitar, Brian Odgers on […]