Category Archives: 60s

Tragedy at Laem Mae Phim

Written Jul 4, 2012 When my family moved south from Maine to a suburb south of Boston in 1960, my best friend and I vowed never to go swimming unless we were together. Chaney’s parents had a place on Lake Sebago. That summer was warm in New England. One day in August my mother received […]

The Nana Hotel

Directly across from Bangkok’s Nana Plaza is the eternal Nana Hotel. This caravansary has been servicing the happy ending needs of travelers since the 60s. I first stayed there in 1991. Nothing much has changed in that time. Men check in with women half their age. The desk clerks smiled without asking for IDs. They […]

Dead Fish Auction

In the winter of 1969 a foul storm blew an unknown sea creature onto Duxbury Beach south of Boston. The WBZ radio announcer reported it to be a ‘sea monster’. My brother, sister, and I jumped into our VW and drove through a hard rain to a forlorn stretch of beach. A crowd was gathered […]

President Nixon 1969 Thailand

After a five and a half hour stop-over in Vietnam President Nixon landed in Thailand on 7/30/69 to speak with the King. The Thai military were a strongest allies in the fight against communism. The president was escorted to the airport by Thailand’s King Phumiphol prior to his departure for New Delhi, India. A crowd […]

BLACK ROSES by Clear Light 1967