Category Archives: 60s

Best Minds Of My Generation

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of the night. – alan ginsburg – howl To listen to Alan Ginsberg […]

THE FLIGHT OF HISTORY by Peter Nolan Smith

At Xaverian High School outside of Boston Brother Phelan taught history without any deviation from the path of the textbook. I was Brother Phelan’s # 1 student, since I had read the textbook from beginning to end during the first week of the semester. During class I stared out the window, thinking about my cheerleader […]

Pride of Man – Quicksilver Messenger Service

“Of God Pride of Man broken in the dust again.” How apropos for these troubled times. PRIDE OF MAN was written by Hamilton Camp. Quicksilver Messenger Service recorded it for their 1st album in 1968. On LSD John Cippolina’s guitar touched every cells in your soul with the chagrin of greatness. More proof I’m just […]

DAZED BY ZEPPELIN by Peter Nolan Smith

Everyone in the world has a phone. I can call Fenway’s mom in Thailand and Mam will pick up the phone on the other side of the world. This advancement is a miracle, considering only twenty years ago phone service to foreign countries was a costly and timely expenditure. Now international connections are linked by […]

Rex Trailer’s Boomtown

Since the beginning of time humanity has risen thanks to the memories billions of people scattered across the globe. My recollection of names, places, and faces run back into the 1950s. At this point in time I figuredI’ve seen about fifty millions people in the voyages across America, Canada, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, France, England, […]