Category Archives: 60s

No Eyes for Jimmy

After the US Army discharged Jimi Hendrix in 1965, the Seattle native moved with drummer Billy Cox to Nashville. That city might have been home for the Country-Western scene, but for Hendrix and Cox it was someplace to call home while they were gigging on the Chittlin’ Circuit. The two performed with Chuck Jackson, Slim […]

Jimmy Before He was Jimi

Jimi Hendrix Shotgun Live 1965 Night Train Backing Buddy & Stacey. Oldest Known Film Footage of Jimi Hendrix Playing Guitar On Nashville’s Channel 5 To see this VDO please go to the following URL

We Are Not Alone

On April 4, 2013 the National UFO ALERT Rating System along with California, Florida, New York and Texas updated the UFO status alert to Code 3 with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) according to Huffington Post. California had 59 sightings in March. New York experienced 30. I have looked for space ships since my youth. […]

JETS OVERHEAD by Peter Nolan Smith

Falmouth Foresides was a quiet neighborhood in the 50s. Ships blew their horns leaving Portland Harbor and channel buoys tolled out their passing wake. At night I listened to the Celtics game on a small transistor radio from Japan. I set the volume to almost silence. My older brother was a light sleeper. My mother […]


“As you get old, you forget. As you get older you are forgotten.” James Steele Some of us never get to be old or even older, especially those doomed by the James Dean’s curse ‘live fast, die, and leave a good-looking corpse’. Few men of the counter culture were as good-looking as Mark Frechette. In […]