Category Archives: 50s

THE APARTMENT by Billy Wilder – 2014

Billy Wilder has directed several of my favorite films; SUNSET BOULEVARD and SOME LIKE IT HOT, however my favorite remains THE APARTMENT 1960 with Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine and co-starring Fred McMurray as the caddish executive. I hated McMurray for mistreating Shirley MacLaine’s character, Fran, so much that I never watched his TV show […]

Quote of the Day – Jack Kerouac / ON THE ROAD

Written May 8, 2011 “One of the biggest troubles of hitchhiking is having to talk to innumerable people, make them feel that they didn’t make a mistake picking you up.” Jack Kerouac / ON THE ROAD Truman Capote commented about the writing style of ON THE ROAD, saying it wasn’t writing so much as typing. […]

THROWING LIKE A GIRL by Peter Nolan Smith

Hong Kong Gone -2017

The Luk Kwok Hotel in Wan Chai was the inspiration for the setting of THE WORLD OF SUZIE WONG. The fictional Nam Kok Hotel was a sailors’ brothel at which the film’s hero, Robert Lomax, decided to stay and paint the neighborhood and the women of the downstairs bar. The artist met Mee Ling on […]

CHOCOLATE MAN by Peter Nolan Smith

Maine is the northern most state on the Eastern Seaboard. The distance from its southernmost border to the Potomac River is approximately 500 miles and in the winter of 1863 the 20th Maine Regiment crossed into Virginia to confront the Confederate forces at Fredericksburg. That summer they avenged the one-sided slaughter beneath St. Marye’s Height […]