Limitless Turbo Spending headlined a menu of bad news from the Democrats.


White Republican men stand out in early voting…

Republicans target ‘witch’ Pelosi…

LAST GASP: I won’t run again for Speaker…

GOP takes aim at Reid for living at Ritz-Carlton…

Angle ad shows Reid ‘hanging out with supermodels’…

The GOP challenger in Nevada accused the incumbent of dancing with supermodels at his luxury condo in Washington. To fat white men that image served more as a recommendation than a condemnation. Gary Hart the 1988 Democratic front-runner was busted with a 29 year-old model on a Miama dock. Neither was naked, however the National Inquirer published one photo. Hart denied the relationship. It was a bold-faced lie. No white or black man was saying no to Donna Rice. hart’s campaign ended a week after the photo. He should have told the truth.

“I fucked her and enjoyed the hell of it. Vite for me.”

22 years later special interest slush funds are whipping the fat white man party in a frothy frenzy. They envision the repeal of the anti-lynching and the right of a woman to vote. The 15th Amendment to the Constitution guaranteed the civil equality to black ex-slaves and the GOP has promised to honor their privilege, since the Republicans believed in the immortal words of Nixon’s Secretary of Corn, as he explained why the party of Lincoln was short on blacks.

“I’ll tell you what the coloreds want. It’s three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit.”

Earl Butz led into that comment by telling the following joke to White House Counsel John Dean and the singer Pat Boone on a flight from the Republican Convention.

After a horrible forest fire, a baby duck and skunk orphan start a conversation.. all of a sudden, the duck asks the skunk what he looks like. the skunk replies “well, you have webbed feet, feathers, and a bill,…you’re a duck”…the skunk then asks the duck what he looks like,..the duck replies, “well, you’re white, you’re black, and you smell,..guess you’re a Puerto Rican”

White men who would be fat white men were angered by Earl Butz’ forced resignation. Whites were banned from telling race jokes in mixed company and shunned should anything anti-Israeli passed their livid lips. The 1st Amendment or the Freedom of Speech was surrendered to nigger-lovers and liberal cocksuckers.

Not that fat white guy jokes ever came into vogue.

Googling ‘fat white guy’ jokes was a blank, but I scored tons with ‘white man’ jokes.

How do you stop five white guys from raping a white woman? Throw them a golf ball.

How many white girls does it take to screw in a light? None, white girls can’t screw

How many white men does it take to screw in a light bulb? One, white men will screw anything.

What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench? The NBA

What does a white man do at the club? Pout while all the colored folk are bumpin’ & grindin’ with all of his fine white bitches.

What’s the difference between a white whore and a bitch? The white whore would screw everybody in the room and the bitch would fuck everyone but you.

What’s the flattest surface to iron your jeans on? A white girl’s ass!

What’s white and fourteen inches long? Absolutely nothing!

Why cant white men jump? They were too busy making racist jokes.

Why did white people own slaves? They were not strong enough to pick cotton – weak bastards.

And lastly what’s 12 inches long and white? Nothing.

That’s bullshit, because the proper response was, is, and will be John ‘Wadd’ Holmes, the champion of white cock. The blonde porn legend Seka swore Wadd’s cock was the biggest in the industry. His manager had measured a fully-erect boner as 13.5 inches, although many actresses akinned his semi-erect penis to “doing it with a big, soft kind of loofah.”

Is nothing scared?

Only the GOP knows that answer.

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