BANNED IN BOSTON gave a film a certain cachet in the 20th Century. Boston’s blue laws on morality gave the city a well-deserved reputation as a bastion of spiritual correctitude, despite Foley Square being a center of sexual titillation. The sexual liberation of the 1960s stormed this Bay State bastion of conservatism and the Combat Zone acted as a magnet to sexual adventurers of every genre. The 2 o’Clock Lounge has been closed for years and I couldn’t find a single strip club on lower Washington Street over the Easter vacation, but nothing is banned in Boston anymore mostly because its citizens are too fat to engage in promiscuous behavior.

Not so Bangkok, where the National Film Board took up Boston’s fallen torch by banning ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO, a hilarious movie about two friends making a porno movie to pay off their debts, but fall in love instead. Man and woman. Not man and man.

The Board based its decision of their feeling that the films explicit sexual content were contrary to the moral principles of Thailand and even more worrisome the Culture Minister expressed his concern in a statement. “The screening of this film may encourage copycats here.”

At least someone in the government is worried about copyright infringement, but personally I wouldn’t mind seeing NOK AND GOB MAKE A PORNO, since I’m a little tired of seeing Gob dance at the go-go bar.

Guess you can get the DVD on Walking Street or Patpong.

It’s really funny.

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