Communication # 2 – Quinton

l you can’t circumnavigate you go up that Cove to the east of Harpswell towards then you’re going up towards your Adult point and also what’s this one up here got it straight okay so you see you send you this way see Indian Point Forest Point that’s the top of hartswell public Access camping like jewels yeah there’s one down here that Malaga Island Preserve i mean it’s just so much there and I mean i mean there’s so many of the thousands of violence if I mean Yamato what about maybe that’s about a mile long with it great to be little to be yeah I mean that’s hot I mean I mean the boss what you have to in order to go up a river you have to pay for access so wait a second so if you’re going up does that cover all rivers or for your boat registration to be able to go launch it at Sebago if you want even if you bugging use it out here so if you’re using it in the on the ocean on Casco Bay estuaries as well so like if you if you’re if you’re going around Harwell that mean that’s basically the ocean really means yeah because like a new Kennebunk river is just goes right to the the bay but the thing is that a lot of these you know it’s like fingers coming down there’s no crossage points like if you went up a river for three four miles is no there’s no Portage at all pretty that’s that’s as heavy as going 10-15 miles offshore it’s it’s not me have you ever been up near Deer Island all that i had a couple guys but you’re not thinking about going are you thinking about going all the way up right you’re basically at that point you’re going to go down and then from anything from Beyond that you’re once you get beyond what do you call it once you get behind once you reach small point if it’s so it’s open ocean then you got a hole it opens up a whole others some of those that’s one of the places I really wanted to I want to find this this they break it up until like sections of the coast what they and then that it goes here and there’s a couple islands that one of them is like a 250 acre or little blacks i mean it’s hundreds of ions out there but once once he gets back mohegan’s about the last one there no this mechanicus as well i had a friend from Columbia Falls and she said it was the last place God created it was so far you’ve got the Gold Coast and like it’s like mini Oregon and then you got and then you got another f****** power until you get to Eastport s*** so it’s like when so at that point you’re in Canada but well either in Canada or she go up to four Kent blown out it’s like it’s like New England Montana stops in his people f****** so rude and there’s a little bit of that here but like I told her I’m like honestly like 14k right now it’s what but I mean if you do to go I mean I’ve driven up to up into the the North Shore of the st Lawrence you know up to Bay Bay car mall I didn’t go any further cuz the mosquitoes were so bad yeah one one over to gaspay i’ve done driven out from New York at the upstate to the Upper Peninsula Upper Michigan and then back across Sault Ste Marie and then down through the Georgian Bay across to Niagara Falls and back and I’ve done I’ve done from Boston to Quebec all the way up to Bay Cormier and man that’s as far as you can f****** go really we can get a store obsessed with getting the better yeah my father and I wanted to drive all the way up to kagosha but there’s just the mosquitoes are just like on it’s like it’s like 200 like 300 miles beyond the bay Como so we just crossed the the River St Lawrence and went over to gas Bay I mean it was like a like it was a lot of f****** driving it was it was like 3,000 miles okay I always they don’t show him off someone to f*** where the f*** it go there’s a lake that was was made by a glacier hit i mean a meteor hit you know north north of there probably be 150 miles anyway what do you call cuz you can do it drive up to i know you can do this I’m looking I’m just looking seeing the map i thought you could drive up to hudson Bay I thought you could drive up to i’m looking I don’t see any roads up to you participle the last one the last road is canopia Pascal way up North but I thought you could drive up to there’s a place up there at 10:00 i think it’s vanished i thought you could drive it to Fort Albany for you to put me as your plus one actually pretty people pretty cool no no they love you because you’ve been out in the city you know they like that s*** i mean I like how you found a whale skull but I mean goes up there I mean it’s i mean Google I mean I go on Google Maps and I just look at s*** and say like i’d love to have taken that I mean I would I wanted to drive all the way from the St Lawrence to Newfoundland i mean there’s nothing on that road it’s I think it’s just my father went up to Newfoundland has she been and then when they played the teams from the Newfoundland colleges he’s like they were f****** Vikings like newfies melissa I’m going to go do some things for my wife as always somehow I’m managing my money but you know August so but and everybody is you know don’t don’t get married don’t have kids you know the longer you stay away from fishing the better the longer you stay from out of fishing but maybe in September you and I can do a small road trip up I will come up and you know we’ll do we’ll just go camp because it’s staying in hotels too expensive i mean you used it wouldn’t have used real estate hotel for 50 bucks it was fine there’s no $50 hotels anymore yeah I mean I was I was coming down from the cape and I figured I’ll get a s***** hotel and this is a while ago this is like pre-cover yeah hotels with 139 each and every one of them for crap like the internet so that the hotel the hotel probably makes $89 or $59 and they just charge everything the same it’s f****** brutal and but I think we’ll camp out I don’t have any it’s a good weather I don’t mind just you know sleeping underneath the Stars and you know I wouldn’t mind even going to like in September do you think the weather is too good is to switchy then to take a little boat trip okay okay you know and I might bring my my wet gear is not so good but you know okay I’m looking forward to it okay i’ll talk to them bye hello this is Mitch or Dr Sharon Mitchell recently the message and I’ll get back to you shortly thank you

I’m going to work on separating our conversation tomorrow

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