THE ITCH by Stephen Hammer

The second title by StephenHammer (John Coleman, Olympia’s leading inspiration and top blurb-writer). The Itch, a tale that predates Indecent Proposal by decades, presents Viney, the husband, Martha, his wife, their many desires, and a millionaire who wanders along and offers them seven figures if they act out those desires in interesting ways. But their benefactor is hardly pleased when erotic pursuits occasioned by the pair (like running off to Japan), seem less than novel. So additional steps are taken to spice things up.

In the early 1960s I led a very sheltered suburban life as a young Catholic school boy on the South Shore of Boston until I was 12. I found THE ITCH by Steven Hammer in a stack of queer Porno. The scales fell from my eyes. I am almost ready to get this savvy paperback to revisit the awakening of my sexuality.

Probably worth every penny.

Trump’s 2025 Project has dedicated funds to combat pornography and seeks mandatory circumcision for both sexes to prevent masturbation and the spelling of holy sperm.

Devoted to saving sperm from genocide.

Why won’t Jesus second-come and take them believers to their heaven in the sky. Please and leave us others in peace.

Here’s a passage from that great tome.

She doesn’t know what she says, her warm fingers along my thigh.

“We could escape,” he said. “There’s still a lot of that fifty grand.”

“Where would we go?” she whispered. “The Magnums have armies.”

“Besides,” she went on, “you know how you are. You’d tire of me after another week of this connubial bliss. We both have this drive.”

“Itch,” he corrected. “The child’s itch for self-destruction.”

“A lovely way to die,” she said, turning to kiss him closely.

When they broke apart, his head seemed to have cleared.

“All right,” he said. “We’ll go through with it. But we’ll have to live together, always. The rest will be sorties. We’ll be gods who land occasionally to copulate with the mortals. After all,” he said, “we’re strong and beautiful.”

She laughed.”Yes,” she said, and recited it after him like a spell, “we’re strong and beautiful. It should be a full year.”

These books were supposedly written by famous authors down on their luck.

They were very good and as Gore vidal said, “The reading of pornography only leads to the reading of more pornography.”

The old queer certainly had it right

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