E Pluribus Unum Forever

Last May sixty male attendees of of Baraboo, Wisconsin junior prom gathered on the steps of the Sauk County Courthouse and more than 50% of them gave the Nazi salute. No one said anything, until someone posted the photo online and people questioned the school administrators about the picture.

Lori Mueller, the Baraboo School District leader, wrote in a letter that the district was “not in a position to punish the students for their actions” because of their First Amendment rights.

The outrage centered on the boys, but also accused the photographer. The former local teacher and educator Peter Gust posed the photo, which he said was a wave goodbye. This coming from a longtime white supremacist.

The school district has refused to investigate the incident, despite rumors of racism within the 94% white high school, on the grounds that a Nazi salute is not forbidden under the 1st Amendment.

Ignorant commentators of RT.com have supported the the school district stance.

NJAB wrote, “You don’t have to so far back in time. Walk into your nearest kindergarten and ask, “who wants a candy?” See how many “Nazi” salutes you get.”

JEFF stated, “That’s how it is in USA, there is free speech unless it happens to really offend you. Then the freedom is cut off.”

And LINDA 60615 from Chicago believes, “Far left doesn’t want free speech for everyone.”

They claimed that the boys were giving a roman salute, however there is no statue or painting or fresco from the Imperial Roman Empire showing the salute.

Augustus of Prima Porta comes closest and it ain’t close at all.

The salute first appeared in THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE EAGLE STANDARDS (1810) by Jacques-Louis David.

Also in Ave Caesar Morituri te Salutant, by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1859), although ‘we who are about to die, salute you’ has been been attributed to a single Roman, slave, or gladiator.

The Bellamy salute was promoted by the Knights of Labor, although with the rise of nazism in Germany and America President Franklin Delano Roosevelt substitute the hand on the heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was never a Roman Salute and the boys from Baraboo are the face of racism and hatred in America.

The Proud Boys under the Erich Roehm wannabee.

The dozens of Patriot Prayer ps fuck your Christian TV god.

And all the other race haters go fuck yourself.

The 1st amendment was not written for you.

Slavery perhaps.

Because in the end you’re all racist and that is sad, because none of the Founding Fathers were white.

Why did George Washington wear a wig?

To hide the kink.

Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

That is the answer.

I don’t care about your racist questions.

E pluribus unum or out of many one.


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