Royal Pardon 2007

Every year the King pardons thousands of repentant prisoners. Most of the beneficiaries of his majesty’s largesse are unknown, except to family, friends, and the law, so I got a shock this morning upon reading the word PARDON and then seeing Wisut Boonkasemsanti’s photo on the Bangkok Post’s front page. This hi-so gynaecologist had been convicted for killing and dismembering his wife. Even worse he flushed the remains down the toilet. Not really smart and he got the max.



For a second the article appeared to state that the murderer was being freed for good behavior, instead his death sentence had merely been reduced to life imprisonment.

So no lethal injection for the good doctor.

Only years and years of Thai prison, whose 175,000 inmates will be less some 25,000 after the royal pardon goes into effect.

Mostly prisoners in the last year of their sentence.

Home for the new year.

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