A Hotel Room Off The Highway 1985

A little after midnight

I pull the Pontiac LeMans

Off the interstate

Before Flagstaff

Onto Route 66___

Kyla sleeps against the door

Not knowing we are stopping for the night

At a motel

The Flamingo Motel Hotel

Red sign bright neon

I pull up to the office

Get us a room

Kyla wake

“Where are we?”

“Flagstaff, Arizona. A motel.”

Park the Le Mans before room 109

Same number as the address

of my family home

On the South Shore of Boston

Thousands of miles away___


No more driving

I want to sleep with Kyla

In a double bed

On clean sheets

After a shower___

Kyla goes first

I go second

A long shower

Wash off three days of the road

New York to here___

I come out dry and clean

Kyla already asleep

The only light from the motel sign

Trucks diesel on Route 66

I step outside


Towel around my waist___

Truck fumes on the high desert night

The Le Mans the only car in the parking lot

Ours the only occupied room

Ours the only bed

We’re not making love tonight___

But maybe in the morning

Another day’s drive to LA

Unless we see the Grand Canyon tomorrow

It’s worth the detour

Especially after a stop at the Flamingo Motel Hotel

And greeting the Arizona dawn



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