Hashish Fart 2017

I smoke pot.

I started smoking pot at the age of 18. It was the summer of 1970. I stopped while during the government poisoned the marijuana crops of Latin America, then resumed with the advent of home-grown sinsemilla, although the potency of that reefer called ‘killer’ rendered it less user-friendly than the lightweight grass of 1970 and I refrained from inhaling the herb in the modern age. Either I went comatose from a few puffs or consumed the entire refrigerator even if it meant eating mustard and carrot sandwiches.

In Thailand I smoke a little at my brother-in-law’s farm. He was cultivating a patch in the banana trees for personal consumption and gas money. It was a little milder than the chronic joints of America. A little more laughy but not cheap. $5 for about a fifth of a ounce.. I could make millions exporting it to Koh Samui. Go to jail for eight years too, so I remain destitute, since hard crime is a young man’s game.

The White House, America’s ultimate expert on marijuana, has released a report warning the nation that the THC percentage has increased to almost 10% in 2007, posing new health risks to smokers.

“Marijuana is not harmless.” The White House director of Drug Control contends that the twicing of marijuana’s intoxication ability further heightened 60s survivors’ misconception of the herb’s danger, although proponents of marijuana counter that the strength has transformed smokers from three puffs to one puffs nor is there any proof to the allegation from 1600 Penn Ave.

The White House wasn’t available to comment on that view, but was quick to point the finger at Canada for potentially addicting millions of Americans to marijuana.

“They will no loinger able to just say no. Think of the children.”

Better pot than Ritalin, except for mass murdering psychopaths.

Keep them on Thorazine.

I tested reefer on the crazy dog I’m taking care of in Palm Beach.

Put Pom Pom in heaven.

In 2008 on Koh Samui a middle-aged English tourist arrived at the local emergency ward with complaints of severe stomach and intestinal cramps. The ER staff fought for several hours to extract a long plastic bag from the Englishman’s intestines. They were surprised to discover the bag’s contents were a nearly a kilo of hashish worth approx. one million baht. The Thai police arrested him on charges of smuggling the Class 5 drug onto the island, which sold for 1,500-2,000 baht a gramme. In custody the UK resident explained he had been in pain for over five days and panicked upon his farts starting to smell like the drug, indicating that several of the sealed packets might have burst in his stomach. None of his customers wanted to take a bong hit from his butt and now he will be subject to the full measure of the law for his folly.

Provincial governor Vinai Buapradit suspected Mr Jones swallowed the drugs when he was overseas so he could pass through drug detectors and sniffer dogs at airports and at the pier on Samui where boats leave for Koh Phangan.

Pinyo Thongchai, the deputy chief of the Department of Special Investigation, said trans-national criminal groups were rampant on Koh Samui.

As well as the Bandidos motorcycle gang, which recently faced a crackdown by authorities, there were also international mafia gangs doing illegal businesses in drugs, land and property deals and extorting money from foreign businessmen.

In June last year police on Koh Samui arrested Frenchman Pittet Pasca Maorica, 53, who was also admitted to Samui International Hospital after suffering from stomach pain.

Doctors found one kilogramme of heroin in his stomach. 

He was lucky his bag had not broken.

The Police might have caught these two, but the real drug dealers are the banks laundering oney for the ja bah and heroin trade, controlled by people whose name can not be said in public.

Not if you want to live.

ps No one’s farts smell better than your own.

ps What kind of French name is Pittet Pasca Maorica?

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