F1 racing is stupid. The cars race around circuit in a procession. Ferrari is the most fabled team on the circuit. From 2002 to 2008 my website f1.shopping.net was #1 in Google Search. An arrest by the Ferrari anti-copyright squad knocked me off the list. I had to move back to the USA. The Thai police throughout the ordeal were most helpful and extremely honest, but said they would have never arrested me, if it weren’t for the fat farangs from Italy, so today I was happy to see that a Ferrari burned to the wheels in Satthahip.
The Ferrari was worth $250,000.
It was a gift from a rich guy to his kid for Valentine’s Day. The color was red.
The HI-SO persona was with a Thai starlet.
He was driving down the road and the car engine exploded into flames.
It might have been a Ferrari seized by Customs several years back and they kept for themselves. Probably not. Those were reportedly destroyed by machines. Ching ching.
The young heir to untold wealth escaped injury by pouring a bottle of water on the engine. Boom. End of Ferrari.
The Revolution will not be televised by the Press.