The Unforgiving 2011

The pizza boy and babysitter are icons of pornography with good reason. A well-hung teenage boy with a pizza fits most American women’s fantasy of a cheap fuck, while a sexual encounter with the neighbor’s young daughter is the dream of most suburban men.

I had a thing for my babysitter. Addy Manzi was the prettiest girl in my hometown. She let my older brother and me stay up late. Kissing her was the opening act for a wet dream. I never got to bat in my teenage years.

My Italian-American neighbor was 15 and I was 12.

I never stood a chance.

Over the years I driven home friends’ babysitters. They arrived home intact and without having to listen to my old hippie music. The older I got the more these girls seemed to be children and I’m was happy to bask in the beam of the youth from the passenger seat.

Some men are not so circumspect and in July of 2011 an Oregon Democrat, David Wu, admitted to having ‘consensual’ sex with his eighteen year-old babysitter. The girl was a daughter of a friend/donor. His version of ‘consensual’ ran contrary to the message the girl left at his congressional office.

In my mind no always means no, unless it’s a sadomasochistic relationship in which a safety word is substituted for no.

Faced with the growing outrage the congressman announced his resignation, although he waited for after the contentious budget vote to fulfill his promise.

What he did was wrong.

The man is a mess.

He was into oxycodin.

The people of Oregon will be better served by a new representative, however reading the comments from the National Review’s online site once more revealed the severe schism between Americans.

The comments started off fairly innocuous. Attacks on democraps and calls for his immediate resignation, but it didn’t take long for the vitriolic rancor to summon up deep-rooted prejudices against Asians.

“The Chinese don’t have the same values as Christians.”

Thank the stars for that.

I agree with them about this congressman being a scumbag, but he was Korean, then again every Asians looked slant-eyed to Americans. Somehow all of Asia is related to the dirty Japs. He resigned within the month.

Forget never.

Forgive never.

Not in this nation, despite of George Bush’s wish to create a kinder gentler nation.

Now we know what he meant, but what can be expected from a family who laundered gold for the Nazis?

Adolf Hitler was very good to his dog.

His name was Blondi.

Arf Arf.

Photo of Dino’s Pizza in Boston’s Combat Zone

Collection #0244.001, City of Boston Archives,

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