Thailiban hunt Thai Valentine Lovers -2008

Saudi Arabia banned Valentine’s Day as an anathema against the Wahabi sects strictures on love and romance. No flowers. No cards. No hearts. Or Else.


And ’or else’ in the Saudi Kingdom could earn punishments ranging from a stern lecture to a beheading depending on the temperment of the judges, who regard man and woman alone as a sin worst than apostasy.

Strangely Thailand is also very puritan, despite the go-gos and massage parlors. Elders frown on overt displays of affection. Yesterday i kisssed my wife good-bye at the bus station. Her body tensed and she whispered, “This is Chai-nat.”

People didn’t kiss in the streets on provincial towns. They don’t hold hands either and hugs are reserved for pillion riders on motorbikes. This conservative Thailibanism has linked with Saudi Arabia with a police plan to raid love hotels, parks, and malls to prevent teens from celebrating Valentine’s Day by having sex.

Bangkok police will shine floodlights into the city parks to stop teens from illegal coupling. Any caught in the bright light will be separated and sent home. Any suspicious romantic behavior in malls will also result in a mandatory exile from the teen’s loved one. This policy only extends to youths under 18. Everyone else is permitted to do what they want. Maybe even a Valentine Day orgy, but maybe not since Thailand has yet to emerge from i the 100-day mourning period for the King’s sister.

Valentine’s Day was never a traditional Thai holiday.

Certainly not in Saudi Arabia either.

The festival of love originated from pagan fertility rites. The Catholic Church set up St. Valentine’s Day to counter the good times held in the forest. St. Valentine was supposedly a roman soldier who secretly married soldiers prohibited by the emperor from matrimony. St. Valentine was slain for this crime, although there have been at least 13 St. Valentines.

No matter it is a day for romance no matter what the Thailiban say.

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