Monthly Archives: November 2024

Closing of the Smithfield Market

Back in the 1980s when I was working the door of Cafe De Paris, after closing my friend David Tidball and I walked south across London to the Smithfield Market. The ancient slaughterhouse was alive with butchers chopping meat and the only pubs open after closing time were those across the street. Beer, blood, and […]

Pin Ball At the Nursery – 1977

how Sharon Mitchell and I became friends pinball at the Nursery 1977.

GASLIGHT PINBALL by Peter Nolan Smith

Pinball was banned as a game of chance in New York City throughout most of the 20th Century. In 1976 a pinball wizard proved the contrary to a courtroom by calling out his shots to the amazed judges. The ace later acknowledged that his called shot was pure luck, however pinball machines once more populated […]


First published 2008 Thanksgiving Day plus One started the Holiday season on West 47th Street. Accordingly the majority of the ground floor exchanges extend their operating hours and stay open every ding-dong day until Christmas. Throughout the week regular customers and natives to New York flock here, but on the weekends they are replaced by […]

Lost Letter 1981

My archives are filled with thousands of photos, hundreds of letters, and about forty journals of which I find only thirty-three. All from the 1970s into 1990s. One was from Teresa. “You’re the only one. All the rest are nothing.” I have no idea who she might be, but I have my suspicions. This might […]