Classic Poetic Dysleixa

Edgar Allen Poe, Hart Crane, Willam Yeats 1916

Frank O’Hara, Bukowski, Ginsberg,

Omar Khayyam

Ezra Pound, Emily Dickenson, Sylvia Plath, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

Every one of them considered mad to write poetry.

My madness find me on the George Washington Bridge

Resisting the urge to fly

Hart Crane

On USS Orizaba

His supposed last words

To his sailor assassins

‘Good-bye everyone.”

Some other people prefer this ending.

“Fuck you. I’ll show you courage.”

He hung his jacket on the railing and jumped overboard.

Into the Gulf of Mexico.

Fcuk you indeed.

Classic Poetic Dysleixa in honor of a poet lost at sea.

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