Monthly Archives: September 2024


Flowers are exploding all across the East Village community gardens. The temperature is in the 90s. The air in our apartment has no oxygen. The streets only have a little more. Alice and I have lived together for the last month. I haven’t worked a day. Alice is heading home to West Virginia for Labor […]

Make Mine Rare

Two Labor Day weekends ago in Maine my brother-in-law and I had several discussions about whether it was better to BBQ with charcoal or gas. The world’s leading leisurologist voted for gas and I bowed to the swami’s greater savvy on this subject. Some subjects you have to leave to the experts.

No White After Labor Day

Written Sep 9, 2020 Fashion has long dictated that no one should wear white after Labor Day. The tradition began in the Gilded Age and many modernists of mode deem that the ban was instituted to separate the elite from the hoi polloi or lower classes, however the real reason was probably that at the […]

April 22 1987 – East Village – Journal

Still no lights in my apartment ConEd shut off. Alan Vaughn showed up from Florida on route to London. At lunch today ,” he said, ” i love to travel.” then proceeded to tell me all about the demise of his fair with his winter living, natalia, aKA seven rooms of Gloom “You know I’d […]

August 1 1987 – East Village – Journal

Good old Bridget has gotten himself into a dicey situation on the Cote d’Azur. Guy, her ex- legionnaire husband has impregnated a secretary working for his clothing company. Bridget and Guy at first married in 1982 to get her French papers in order, since her South African passport was banned for most countries, which is […]