Monthly Archives: September 2024

A DAY FAR FROM NORMAL by Peter Nolan Smith

That morning a jet roared above the East Village. I opened my eyes. Lots of planes and helicopters flew over Manhattan. None of them ever this low or fast or loud. Thirty seconds later my apartment windows shook with a muffled thud that sounded more a boom than a crash. The children from the day-care […]

RAIN 9/10/2001 by Peter Nolan Smith

September 10, 2001 was a rainy day in New York and the Weather Channel predicted precipitation throughout the afternoon. .3 inches humid and wet. I exited from my East 10th Street apartment at 9.13 and headed toward Velseka’s on 2nd Avenue. My breakfast of a bagel and coffee came to $2.11. I gave the waiter […]

NO SWIMMING ALLOWED by Peter Nolan Smith

The weather forecast predicted a sultry summer day for September 7, 2001. My friend Alia had transported a Porsche Boxer from the UK and her high-octane convertible awaited clearance at the Newark Customs. The British diplomat asked me to accompany her to the Jersey docks and I agreed on the stipulation that we drove the […]

On the Ternate Star 1991

1991 Early evening time Standing on the stern Of the Ternate Star Out of harbor Leaving behind the Spices Islands Nothing like it at all___ The silhouettes of Mount Gamalama and Kie Matubu volcanoes Smaller and smaller The scent of island’s famed cinnamon, durian, nutmeg, and cloves Fainter and fainter With every twist of the […]

March 7 1991 – Palu – Journal

Listening to the BBC this morning I heard General Schwartzkopf say, “Saddam promised us the mother of all battles. What he got was the mother of all defeats.” The Muslims called The Prayer woke me this morning. The roosters helped open my eyes. The overhead fan called the room slightly and I pulled back to […]