Monthly Archives: September 2024

Thousands of Feet Sand

Thousands of feet pummel the beach. At the edge of the sea Only mine Erased by the waves Smooth sand.

THE PIGPEN A GO GO by Peter Nolan Smith

Life is the sum of a person’s experiences. Work and family dominate the sculpting of a soul. Days are defined by routine and years by the seasons and weather. En masse we are the same, but different thanks to our participation in special events liberating our souls from the shackles of perpetual monotony. Woodstock lasted […]

Yet Another 9/11 Hoax

The circumstances surrounding 9/11 has been cloaked by theories of conspiracies and hoaxes. Many people believe that the US government brought down the Twin Towers with the help of the Israeli military or that the planes were drone jets and not commercial liners. Everyone with a half a brain had to question the discovery of […]

Splashing Gas on a Fire

Written September 25, 2010 World leaders have flocked to New York for the General Assembly. President Obama addressed the dignitaries to ask for a final solution to the Palestinian problem. Other diplomats have voiced their concerns over poverty and global warming, however the Iranian president scored big with his claim that the 9/11 attacks were […]

Osama Bin Laden WHO II

Osama Bin Laden was fingered by the CIA as the mastermind of 9/11. His name on Google has 124,000,000 results. The Al-Quada fugitive was # 1 on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. He evaded capture and death for over a decade and three president. In 2011 Barack Obama greenlighted his assasssination. “Kill the motherfuckah.” He […]