Monthly Archives: August 2024

July 17, 1994 – Penang – Journal

div class=”separator” style=”clear: both;”> Rod called and said that he had wired the money to Thomas Cook in Bangkok. But that he had to rewire it to the Hong Kong bank in Penang. I went there. Nothing. I have serious doubts you ever sent it, but I’m not mad. By having money is my responsibility. […]

July 16, 1993 – Penang – Journal

Over Chulia Street lightning crackles across the tropical purple black night like electric river systems flowing through the sky. A heavy rain cleared away the oppressive humidity. I’m barely sweating I walk by the Hong Kong Bar. The old banci whores hiss at me to join them in a drink. My No Beer Week continues. […]

Penang Funicular

In 1994 I was stranded in Penang, Malaysia. The magazine for which I had been writing a series of stories about SE Asia had folded without buying my return ticket to the States. I had enough money to stay at the Swiss Hotel $3/night, eat at the Chinese and Indian restaurants on Chulia Street, and […]

Koh Samui Journal 1993

July 1993 Full moon on Koh Samui Rising from the black sea Lightning flashing Inside monsoon thunderheads 40,000 feet overhead Sitting in a beer bar On Chaweng Beach Aoy Sweet Said she’s 20 From Isaan North “Mother not know I work bar. I like you. I go with you.” Her skin Buttered silk Smelling of […]

July 11, 1993 Penang Journal.

Penang Hot “Go with God.” My departing words to Gulie at Penang Airport. She’s heading back to New York, but she’ll have to deal with her separation from Giancarlo, her husband my friend. Her entire stay was under the black clouds of her future. If she expects people to take sides, they will, but she […]