Monthly Archives: August 2024


Tuesday night I attended the HBO premiere of CHIMP CRAZY directed by Eric Goode. I was struck in this film by how these chimp lovers desire the love of the chimps to satisfy an emptiness in their lives, while oblivious to the pain of their loved ones. Strangely their providers are also trapped in life, […]

B & H Dairy

Last evening my friend from the Yucatan and I had pirogis at the B&H, which opened in 1938. Feh. Velselkas is better. Afterwards as we walked down 2nd Avenue, I was struck by the many vacant retail spaces. Looked to be more than half. Tweren’t that way in the 70s. There was the Stage Deli, […]

Communication # 2 – Quinton

l you can’t circumnavigate you go up that Cove to the east of Harpswell towards then you’re going up towards your Adult point and also what’s this one up here got it straight okay so you see you send you this way see Indian Point Forest Point that’s the top of hartswell public Access camping […]


< POK A POK The Mayans have always inhabited Meso-America. Western archaeologists dated their presence back 10,000 years ago and their agrarian communities flourished im spurts governed climate swings, as the land was capable of maintaining a gonite population. The culture reached its apex from 250 AD to 900 after which the civilizations of Copan […]

July 20, 1994 – Penang – Journal

Knocking the door by the Chinese desk clerk of the Swiss Hotel. Danny tells me that I have a phone call. It’s 8:21 a.m. I had difficulty getting to sleep last night. For some reason garlic keeps me awake. I got out of bed wrapped the towel around my waist and walk down the corridor […]