Monthly Archives: August 2024

On A Boat Pond – October 17, 1981 – Journal

Autumn settles on the boat pond Central Park trees Green to Orange to Yellow On the pond Two radio-controlled sloops Race Driven South By a crisp Northwesterly An imitation America Cup___ Here Central Park Not the East Village Rosy red cheek children Run around the pond An arm’s reach From foreign nannies and young mothers___ […]

Gnawing Wolves

I can’t drowned, because Chaney drowned in Sebago Lake in 1960. I’m more a jumper, but have always feared surviving the failure of any attempt at suicide. During my descent to death Maz was enlisted to help me end it all, but driving past the boreal pines of Quebec to the tundra. Someplace where the […]


Returning to my native village after many years’ absence: Ill, I put up at a country inn and listen to the rain. One robe, one bowl is all I have. I light incense and strain to sit in meditation; All night a steady drizzle outside the dark window— Inside, poignant memories of these long years […]

The Sin of Banality

“There is nothing more awful, depressing, and depressing than banality.”— Anton Chekhov This quote was posted on Instagram by Eric Mitchell, famed B-Movie actor and self proclaimed Pittsfield slumlord. Contemporary counter “Banality is an unappreciated virtue along with hypocrisy.” – James Steele – fugitive Banality statue by the king of banality, Jeff Koons

Provincetown Lore – niizh manitoag

In the autumn of 1620 my antecedent, John Howland, crossed the Atlantic on the Mayflower. Mid-voyage a storm washed passenger the indentured servant was overboard. He sank about 12 feet (4 m), but a crew member threw a rope, which Howland managed to grab, and he was safely hauled back onboard. The pilgrims landed after […]